
Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.

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Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.


Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.


Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.


Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.

Text block heading 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nec tellus sed nisl tempor lacinia a et turpis. Fusce sit amet nisi tortor. Vestibulum vel odio nulla. Curabitur congue suscipit ante ut suscipit. Maecenas massa neque, iaculis et lobortis eu, ultricies quis leo. Sed sed dapibus neque. Mauris semper efficitur mi at suscipit.

Text block heading 3

In congue sit amet est quis faucibus. Aliquam tempus dolor non massa tempus vulputate. Aenean accumsan arcu quis orci scelerisque, vitae gravida enim maximus. Donec euismod lorem quis nisl varius, id interdum erat gravida. Sed non pretium enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent ornare posuere nisi. Phasellus sed lobortis orci, quis fringilla dolor. Integer non ligula enim. Donec eget suscipit ex.

Text block heading 4

Donec viverra lacus vel eros sollicitudin porttitor. Morbi molestie volutpat neque, eget blandit quam accumsan maximus. Praesent sem erat, vulputate ut tortor iaculis, pellentesque consequat nunc. Praesent feugiat nisl sed mollis auctor. Nullam ex ex, interdum quis scelerisque a, auctor at lorem. Donec et pretium justo. Nullam vulputate hendrerit enim a rhoncus. Integer auctor gravida risus, non blandit leo vestibulum vel. Quisque ut leo ac purus tempus mattis pretium ut est.

Donec viverra lacus vel eros sollicitudin porttitor. Morbi molestie volutpat neque, eget blandit quam accumsan maximus. Praesent sem erat, vulputate ut tortor iaculis, pellentesque consequat nunc. Praesent feugiat nisl sed mollis auctor. Nullam ex ex, interdum quis scelerisque a, auctor at lorem. Donec et pretium justo. Nullam vulputate hendrerit enim a rhoncus. Integer auctor gravida risus, non blandit leo vestibulum vel. Quisque ut leo ac purus tempus mattis pretium ut est.

Text block heading 5
  • Donec viverra lacus vel eros sollicitudin porttitor.
  • Morbi molestie volutpat neque, eget blandit quam accumsan maximus. Praesent sem erat, vulputate ut tortor iaculis, pellentesque consequat nunc. Praesent feugiat nisl sed mollis auctor.
  • Nullam ex ex, interdum quis scelerisque a, auctor at lorem. Donec et pretium justo. Nullam vulputate hendrerit enim a rhoncus. Integer auctor gravida risus, non blandit leo vestibulum vel. Quisque ut leo ac purus tempus mattis pretium ut est.


Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.

System table

Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.

The Houdijk Capper Mark II is a full option executed system.

Belt width 1200mm or 1600mm

Capacity round
Sandwich 125* rows/min
Capacity round
Base cake 250* rows/min
Sandwich 125* rows/min
Capacity rectangular
Base cake 160* rows/min
Sandwich 80* rows/min

Product shapes round, square, rectangular, others

Round 25-100mm
Square 25-100mm
Rectangular 30-130mm, ratio min. 1,25
Height minimum thin products > 2,5mm

*rates depend on product shape, size and nature
The Houdijk Capper Mark III is a full option executed system.

Belt width 1600mm or 1800mm

Capacity round
Sandwich 180* rows/min
Capacity round
Base cake 360* rows/min
Sandwich 180* rows/min
Capacity rectangular
Base cake 260* rows/min
Sandwich 130* rows/min

Product shapes round, square, rectangular, others

Round 25-100mm
Square 25-100mm
Rectangular 30-130mm, ratio min. 1,25
Height minimum thin products > 2,5mm

*rates depend on product shape, size and nature
The Houdijk Capper Mark II is a full option executed system.
The Houdijk Capper Mark III is a full option executed system.

Belt width 1200mm or 1600mm 1600mm or 1800mm

Capacity round
Base cake 250* rows/min 360* rows/min
Sandwich 125* rows/min 180* rows/min
Capacity rectangular
Base cake 160* rows/min 260* rows/min
Sandwich 80* rows/min 130* rows/min

Product shapes round, square, rectangular, others round, square, rectangular, others
Round 25-100mm 25-100mm
Square 25-100mm 25-100mm
Rectangular 30-130mm, ratio min. 1,25 30-130mm, ratio min. 1,25
Height minimum thin products > 2,5mm minimum thin products > 2,5mm

*rates depend on product shape, size and nature *rates depend on product shape, size and nature

Systems by solution

Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.

Ambient Cooling
COOLING – Allowing products to gradually cool down via state-of-the-art conveyors.
Active Cooling
COOLING – Products are stabilized after baking, depositing/sandwiching or enrobing.
Vision Selector
PRODUCT INSPECTION – Individual product inspection and rejection.
Product manipulation and stacking
PRODUCT MANIPULATION AND STACKING – Transferring products from flat to continuously stacked on the belt.
Vibratory Buffer
BUFFERING – Absorbing downstream stoppages and enhancing the overall line efficiency.
Inflow Buffer
BUFFERING – Absorbing downstream stoppages and enhancing the overall line efficiency.
Tray Buffer
BUFFERING – Absorbing downstream stoppages and enhancing the overall line efficiency.
Houdijk Capper
CAPPING & DEPOSITING – For the production of sandwiches and deposited biscuits.
Efficiency & control
Third Party Stencil Creamer
CREAMING – The VIBRATORY BUFFER can be connected to any (third party) stencil creamer.
Deposit possibilities
Size & Cream Change-over
PRODUCT SPREADING – to fully utilize the width of a cooling conveyor and saving cooling length.
PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION – Random incoming product flow is divided over the available wrapper legs.
Laned Product Distribution
PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION – Laned incoming product flow is divided over the available wrapper legs.
Product Distribution – Stencil creamer
PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION – Dividing the incoming product flow over the available stencil creamers.
Product Distribution – Wrapper
PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION – Dividing the incoming product flow over the available wrapper legs.
Cookiebot – General
LOADING – Robotic picking & placing of products.
Cookiebot – Pile in wrapper
LOADING – Robotic picking & placing of products.
Cookiebot – Pile in wrapper and/or pile in tray
LOADING – Robotic picking & placing of products.
Cookiebot – Pile in tray and/or Slug in tray
LOADING – Robotic picking & placing of products.
Cookiebot – Four in One
LOADING – Robotic picking & placing of products.
Cookiedozer (Cookiebot)
LOADING – Arranging products into a slug or pile.
LOADING – loading of products directly in tray or in flowrapper.
LOADING – Loading of products directly in tray or in wrapper.
LOADING – Chicane system to portion pack flowrapper.
LOADING – Loading of volumetric slugs, in tray or in wrapper.
LOADING – Creating product piles/stacks directly in the flowwrapper.
Flex Cross Loader
LOADING – Inline loader for slugs, piles and trays
Cookiedozer (Flex Cross Loader)
LOADING – Arranging products into a slug or pile.
Plastic Tray Denester/Carton Tray Erector
TRAY HANDLING – Automatic plastic tray denesting and carton tray erecting.
Tray Weight Inspection
TRAY HANDLING – Check weigher with tray re-work loop.
Flex Wrap
FLOW-WRAPPING – The FLEX WRAP is the flexible infeed chain to the flow-wrapper.
Third Party Flow-wrapper
FLOW-WRAPPING – A third party flow-wrapper can be integrated.

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Optional introduction: Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.

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Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.

Text column

Maecenas hendrerit placerat tellus ac consequat. Quisque fermentum libero felis, et condimentum felis pretium efficitur. In rutrum egestas tincidunt.